Thursday, June 25, 2015

Car Engine

There are different types of engines , internal combustion engines , first of all the diesel engine mainly for the high tech vehicles and the other one is gas turbine engines , There are some other engines but the these are the most common engines and both have their own advantages and disadvantages as well.
An important thing to know is that about the external combustion engine, A steam engine of and old train or the steam boats can be the best examples for the external combustion engine. There were different materials which were burnt to produce steam for the engine to run which includes coal , wood , fuel , oil ..etc..  the steam generated by the such material which was burnt for to generate the stream than the steam makes the motion inside the engine for any certain action or any type of enrollment and produces throttle to move , But on the other hand the internal combustion engine is many many times efficient as compared to the external combustion engine in face of economy and the fuel consumption, or the size can be compared the internal combustion engine is way smaller than the external combustion engine. which give the advantage of requiring small space where as the external combustion engine need the whole lot of space to be settled.

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